2025 TVE Fair Events Oct. 10th-18th ************ NIRA Rodeo Oct. 15th-18th
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Market Broilers

Date: July 24 - Oct 18, 2024
- 936-336-7455

2024 Judge: Jacob Price

There will be NO club changes after Sept.1

It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor, parent/guardian, Advisor, Club leader and Extension office personnel to read and abide by existing and new rules and guidelines.

All Orders must be placed online at tve.fairwire.com by dates listed. Please add a market broiler and then on next page add how many you would like to order.

25 bird minimum per exhibitor
150 bird maximum per exhibitor or family plan

Pick-up Date of Market Broilers – Aug. 30 TVE Pavilion
11:00 am -1:00 pm

a. Each exhibitor MAY order an individual set of birds (minimum of 25 and a maximum of 150). Siblings within the same household may order and share a set of birds (minimum of 25 and a maximum of 150).

b. Multiple siblings within the same household may opt for a family plan. A family plan consists of 2 exhibitors within the same household. Families of multiple children will be eligible for multiple family plans. In any case, the maximum number of birds in a family plan that an exhibitor can select from for the show is 150 birds.

i.e. - 3 exhibitors = 1 family plan (max of 150 birds) + 1 individual set (max of 150 birds)

i.e. - 4 exhibitors = 2 family plans (max of 150 birds per plan)

i.e. - 5 exhibitors = 2 family plans (max of 150 birds per plan) + 1 individual set (max of 150 birds)

c. Each exhibitor will be required to write down wing band numbers specific to each exhibitor or designated family plan at the time of broiler pickup. Exhibitors are required to show birds only from that set of wing band numbers. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

All broiler exhibitors that sale thru either the youth auction or the freezer sale will be required to get a release form signed from the buyer at delivery of broilers (forms are available at the livestock office) and these must be turned back into the TVE office. This must be done within your 14 days or your proceeds will be forfeited. It is your responsibility to get contact info for the buyer.

Forms needed to be eligible to show
Off Premise form if animal is not kept at your residence

(See below for printable rules and forms)
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